Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Quilt match #1 - Angelo vs Giant Worm !

Angelo takes on a giant worm to prove himself worthy of the new quilt from Jenni !

The worm gains an early advantage - see it bite the exposed forearm ! Ouchie !

But Angelo responds with with the time-honored blow-to-the-head !

Round 2 : "Listen worm - let's put an end to all the hostilities ! Embrace me, my wormy brother !"

"FOOL! Never turn your back on a Moretto ! Now I DESTROY you !!"

Colourful worm learns a truly important lesson. Worm - 0, Angelo - 1.


Jenni said...

did you really post this at 2am? Hard core.

Yay for the quilt getting used for a wrestling mat!

Anonymous said...

That. was. awesome.

Also great the way the worm matches the quilt :)